Created in 1957 by Grandmaster Remy Presas, Modern Arnis is known as the “art within your art.” A synthesis of arnis, escrima, and kali styles, it is the national sport of the Philippines. Modern Arnis is a complete martial art system with short and long weapons, empty hands, and ground fighting techniques.
It’s also ridiculously fun. According to Shihan Janet, “My hand speed increased so much and the drills for coordination and precision have been a huge benefit to my Karate and to my life in general.”
Unlike Karate (which means “empty hands”) Modern Arnis begins with two rattan canes and as the student progresses they mature into empty handwork. Like Karate, there are opportunities for competition at the local, national, and international levels.
The only thing more fun than hitting your friends is hitting them with sticks.